have you been taken for granted?

*Insert greeting message over here*

Interesting title over there, right?, well not the first time I ask myself the same question (many, many times), blame my experiences (maybe),, Whatever the reason is at some point in our lives every single one of us have been taken for granted.. Reason? Not so sure. Happens? YES.

No matter how much you do, no matter how much you help someone, how much you give, how much you get, there's always going to be that 1% of disappointment in our lives and  I'll dare myself saying is "part of life", common phrase in our young world tho..

I have always thought that people took me for granted, what I do, what I give, what I love, but you know what? I take important people in my life for granted too, probably because I thought they would never go away (mistake #1), I thought they always gonna be there for me (mistake #2). Point over here is, seems so freaking hard to us to realize that we have a bunch of valuable things, but we're too blind to see them, to see their true beauty and simpleness, I'm talking about taking care of whats given to you, to all of us, be grateful for those things you have, stop waiting until is too late, when you already lost those things.

Appreciate your friends, family, relationships, your job, even that penny in your pocket, your own effort, your beauty, your intelligence, your gifts, your heart, appreciate what you think is too small to care about, what seems far away, what seems to be near.. Your thoughts.. Every rise and every fall.

Don't take life for granted.. Every minute counts, every word is a privilege..

Remember, any of those people, any of those things are going to be there forever, stop waiting until the last minute.


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